english 111J
I heart Huckabees
So it finally got done downloading and I was able to watch it. So the movie was confusing, but very enjoyable. I enjoyed how it was an "existential detective" agency that helped them all figure out there questions about the world and how everything connected. As I was talking about downloading this movie, I was immediately hit with a variety of views on it. Some people really really enjoyed it, and even came down to my room to watch it, whereas some said it was really dumb. There were alot of well known actors in the movie which made me look forward to it a bit more. When you really tried to stop and follow whast they were saying it was a bit mind boggling. I enjoyed how he was put into a body bag to help him remove his layers and that most of the time he was cutting people up. I enjoyed how it ended, coming to realization that the two of them were linked and how Tommy hooked up with the Huckabees girl, even with her bonnet. I enjoyed the theme and even its interesting humor.
soooo themes.
RaceFashion... not sure ona third at the moment.So one of the major issues in this book is obviously race. Race however can branch in a few directions. One that I really think is key is wrapped up in the character Levi. He can be related to things such as fashion or music ect. I just find Levi such an interesting character because he is so different than the rest of the family. He is matching what people see as the "typical" African American young male. His family is middle-class however he acts like he is from the Ghetto. I think it is interesting that Levi picked up an accent from a town his family doesnt live in. His Brooklyn accent stands out because no one else in the family speeks like he does. It is also key that Brooklyn isn't seen as one of the most wealthy areas in the world. This poor ghetto type area matches with Levi's personality and fashion. He fashion attire clearly is seen as odd from a prominently white neighborhood. He stands out and draws attnetion to himself. He wears his doo rag and baggy clothes. This sterotype of a typical african american child is a key to this book. Each child is going thorugh a different struggle with themselves, family, and society and I feel this is important.ahhhh this is frusturating. I want to somehow incorporate that Levi's being sterotyped wrongly just because of his race and the way he dresses. People are scared of him not simply because he is african american, but more due to the fact of how he dresses and presents himself.I cant find a quote... I give up... im to tired to this at the moment. I need a nap!
I am not very well at categorizing books, but I'd agree with the fact that it is more contemporary fiction. It is obviously a fictional story for the characters are not real people. The fact that it would be labeled as contemporary is due more to the fact that it is a modern book. It points out racial issues and the hardships. It describes just a typical families life and shows how issues are affecting each member of the family in there own way. The book uses many modern things that helps point out that it is indended to be a modern day story. The clothes that Levi wears in an excellent example. His doo rag and just his "street" type outfit makes me think of a modern day teen. Everything this family does is more or less typical to a modern day family. Another thing that points out that this story is dated recent is the fact that Jerome is sending them messages via email and not regular mail. This shows that obvious the internet exists and is therefore pretty recent.
Ohh right... a book. Hmmm... well I haven't really read any modern day stories. I read mostly fanatasy personally and for English classes, rarely do we read a modern book... so... ITS ORIGIONAL**! :D
**to me
Race Issues.
The book was indeed a pretty easy read. Thankfully! The story at first I thought was going to be quite confusing, but not to bad to follow at all. It is most interesting to me how the whole race issue is affecting each kid. All three seem to be branching in there own direction. Levi is much different than the rest of his family in a few ways. The first is his speech and accent are from Brooklyn. The way he dresses makes him stand out from everyone else. His family however doesnt live anywhere near Brooklyn. He is embracing more of the African American side of his family. He doesnt seem to act like he is middle-class, more like a poorer area... such as a ghetto. The daughter however is completely different. She seems to be a typical Caucasian girl and this tends to show. Jerome is a third case. It doesnt really specify which race he tends to lean more towards, but he has left the house and has become more conservative and living with the Kippses. This is a big slap in the face to the family because they seem to be the complete opposite of there family. Jeromes family, well more the father, seems to have a strong resentment for the Kippses and is quite upset by his sons choices. The Kippses apparently feel that minorities are in there current situations of lower class due to there laziness. It is interesting how each family member seems to be in there own personal battle against society for who they are and it makes the story quite interesting.