english 111J

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Sadaam Hussein

This man has been apprehended and is currently on trial or will be on trial for a dozen or more offences. One of his trials involves gassing thousands of Kurds in the 1980's. Although this was a few years back, the trail and its information is quite new. What he did to his people are others who fell victim to his dictatorship was unethical, unjustice, and wrong. He tortured people and used his power, ironically given to him by us, to get his ways. He is in no way innocent or deserving of any mercy or pity. He is an evil man who was after nothing but his own wealth and power. He killed and destroyed people, cities, and countries. If found guilty for this charge of gassing thousands of Kurds, his punishment would be death by hanging and his sentence may very well be carried out while other trials are still in progress. I don't believe he will be found innocent on any trial is to be put on, but I see no real point in all these trials. I think it is a waste of time to sentence him to 1000 years without bail vs. even 150 years... it is still his whole life. Even three of these trials would be sufficient enough to make sure he is going to pay for what he did... it just think it is rediculous. I guess that is why I am not in governmental issues.


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