english 111J

Thursday, April 06, 2006

I enjoy the Robot Shark Will Eat You group and others

While scrolling through there blog page the first thing that I really enjoyed was the fact that the text color was different than the traditional gray. It really makes it easier to see which members post it is versus having to read each posts author. The other thing I really enjoyed about the page was the style of some of the posts. There was quite a bit of humor in it, which really helped lift up the interest of the post.

For example:
"Siiiiiiiing. The arguement would have fallen flat without this, I felt because this is the big hitter."

I enjoyed this little section of the post for two reasons. First was the style of the piece. And the other thing is the use of words. For example "big hitter" goes really nicely because although you understand the message, the text is very off the wall. I mean this is a post about torture, not baseball!

For another groups: The Absolute Best English... I enjoyed there format the most. It just seemed very aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Another great thing about this groups is there titles to there posts. Although some irrelevant to the info given, such as, "
I'm "fairly" certain I figured out how to use the blog..." some of the post titles were fun and creative. Things like, " Belated Beauty Blog" is creative and fun. I hope to change my font color, and in the future come up with more creative titles.


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